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Personal Growth &
Career Progression

Coach Eddy-Gael


My name is Eddy-Gael

“As a personal growth and career progression coach, my purpose is to help individuals reach their full potential. My passion for public speaking has enabled me to spread my message and reach people from all walks of life.”

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About me


What really set this speech apart was its authenticity, Eddy talked about his own battles and triumphs, It was refreshing to hear someone speak with such honesty and vulnerability, inspiring others to embrace their own journey with authenticity and courage. One aspect that particularly stuck with me was the emphasis on mindset. Eddy spoke about the importance of building a positive mindset, especially in the face of adversity. He highlighted the power of self-belief and resilience, which showed me to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks.

Kai Theo

I would say Eddy’s coaching session was impactful, I gained an abundance of knowledge. The section about stepping out of your comfort zone and holding yourself accountable had a positive effect on my mindset and pushed me to work harder. I would highly recommend Eddy towards anyone who is trying to make a positive change and fulfil their potential. Huge thank you to Eddy!


The impact with Eddy was a very eye-opening experience he taught us that it doesn’t matter about your background, skills or problems as long as you have a burning desire you can achieve your goals. His story motivated me as he’s someone I look up to because his where I would want to be in life and I am working towards that. I know for a fact Eddy is an amazing connection to have. He also taught us how important goal setting is and how to achieve long-term and short-term goals.
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